<![CDATA[I'M MOM'S FAVORITE - Blog]]>Fri, 17 May 2024 22:56:51 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[part 2: gratitude]]>Tue, 02 Nov 2021 01:55:48 GMThttp://immomsfavorite.com/about/part-2-gratitude
I hope you have taken the time to read the Blog Post:  Part 1: Best Things.  
Just as I try to parent intentionally, I also want to encourage this group intentionally.  The concept is the same, but the execution is just a little different.

In Part 1 I asked:  What was the best thing that happened to you today?
In Part 2 I am asking:  How did you show gratitude today?

What would you do differently tomorrow if you knew that I was going to ask you that question?

Every year in November, we start seeing posts about what we are thankful for.  There is a part of me that smiles when I see those posts on social media.  The idea of pausing to be thankful is a good idea and we need to do it more often.  But this year, I want to shake that up a little bit. 

I don’t want you to sit down at the end of the day and scroll through your familiar list of private blessings.  Home, my family, pets, job… No.  I want to challenge you to  a little more.  I want you to look at tomorrow intentionally and think -

 How can I be a blessing today? 

And then I want you to do it. 

Can you imagine the ripple effect this could have in your community?  I realize that everyone  isn’t going to read this blog - but what if you reading it, and acting on it blesses someone else?  And what if that person, because they are blessed, turns around and is kind to someone else?  And that person, and that person… What if?
The Alex Prochaska Memorial Project Inc Page on Facebook is going to asking you the same question every day this month.
Do not name any names.  Do not tag friends  No specifics. This isn’t about announcing your accomplishment, this is about DOING something.  The post is your accountability, not your podium.  

Here are several ideas of things that you could do to be a blessing, but I’m super excited to see what you come up with on your own!
  • Leave a sticky note of encouragement to a coworker
  • Go the extra mile for a customer at work.
  • Do someone else's “chores” at home without telling them or taking credit
  • Notice a small thing that needs fixed and fix it, anonymously (this could be at work, or at home)
  • Take some extra time for an elderly person
  • Notice someone who is easily overlooked and pay attention to them
  • Spend extra time in conversation with someone who needs it
  • Help a friend
  • Help someone who really isn’t a friend
  • Leave a giant tip 
  • Take a baked good to your local car dealership for the staff
    • ok, that one is sort of a joke, I work at a car dealership,  It’s not a bad idea though - is there a business that you appreciate?  Their staff will enjoy a plate of cookies or a box of donuts!
  • Send your spouse flowers
  • Send your mom flowers
  • Send a long distance friend a care package
  • Start the "pay for the person behind me" in the drive up.   
  • Call your mom and really talk to her. 
  • Call one of your kids out of school early so you can grab a snack together.
  • Take treats to work to share with your coworkers for no reason
  • Give your child's teacher a gift today.  A $5 gift card is easy.
  • Do you know a college student?  Get their address and send them a note of encouragement.  
  • Do you know  a teenager?  Pick them up and take them out for a coke.
  • Who are the children in your Church?  Send one of them a fun note.

What are your ideas?  Share them in the comments!
<![CDATA[Part 1:   best things]]>Sat, 30 Oct 2021 18:47:33 GMThttp://immomsfavorite.com/about/part-1-best-things
What is the best thing that happened to you today?

How would you answer that right now? 

​Better yet - how would you approach tomorrow if you knew that you had to answer that question at the end of the day?

That’s not the question that we usually ask, is it? 

Usually we say “How are you?” 

​...and the answer is “fine.” 

When I think about intentional parenting, this is a good decision to make early.  As the kids get older, the conversations are harder to start.  Sometimes I would talk but they wouldn't chime in at all, what was going on inside of them?  Words have meaning, and I wanted to ask meaningful questions.  Ask what you mean to ask.  

Once every day your family ends up in the same space, even if only to sleep.  

Ideally, that place was around the dinner table at some point.  Somewhere around middle school basketball, volleyball, and soccer, that got complicated. My husband started working nights as well around that time. The kids were 11, 13, & 15 and we had to adjust.  When are you really together if not around the dinner table?  Parenting intentionally called for a change in our routine.  Looking over the schedule, I realized that we were all home at 9PM, so that became “game time.” 
Dinner might be eaten in the car or from a concession stand, but for at least 1 hand of a card game, or one quick round of Sequence, we would all sit around the table in the evening.  It was the “new” dinner time. 

After the habit was formed, if we didn't have time for a game before bed, we would still end up around the kitchen counter for a few minutes.  It was a good habit to start.  And this question was the constant:  What is the best thing that happened to you today?

The best part - They knew it was coming.  They knew it because it happened every night.  And since they knew it was coming, they always came prepared.  

So, again, how would you approach tomorrow if you knew that you had to answer that question at the end of the day?


There are some rules, that I learned along the way.  Let me know in the comments what you do, and if you have any other rules!
  • Cheezy answers are allowed.  Sometimes “winning this game” was really the best thing that happened.  Usually there was something better. 
  • Often they asked if they could have two.  I tried to make them all share one before someone got a second one, just so no one gets skipped.
  • Be prepared - there could be a “worst thing” too.  I always asked them to share a best thing as well as a worst thing if possible, but don’t push that too far if it was a tough day. 

It's nice to do a recap.  I liked to follow up after the conversation and repeat what everyone's “thing” was.  That was also my way of making sure that everyone got their turn. 

  • Listen completely.  Let them finish.  Don’t let siblings interrupt - that was a hard one in our house!  Sometimes we would have to return to someone and make sure they finished.  
  • Never make fun of their ideas.  Never.  I promise, if you laugh at them, they won’t share openly again.  Not that this isn’t fun and funny - you can laugh with them, just never AT them. Know the difference.
  • Don’t spread the news farther than they want it to spread… it’s not a Facebook post “Joey did this and he is amazing!”  If you feel something is share-worthy, get permission first.  This exercise requires trust.  
  • Participate:  Yes, mom.  Yes dad. You had a best thing too.  Bonus - as your kids learn what is important to you by seeing your best thing through your eyes, they will learn some life lessons.  Sometimes my best thing was when I helped a customer at work in an extra way, often my husband's best thing involved his work ethic, or his huge sense of humor.  Give this some thought - but don’t make it a lecture.  Nobody likes a lecture.
Just a simple reminder today that we need each other.  

​Speak life, friends!
<![CDATA[The Fruit of the Spirit]]>Mon, 25 Oct 2021 17:42:42 GMThttp://immomsfavorite.com/about/the-fruit-of-the-spirit
Galatians 5:22-23.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

In “Jesus speak” we call this the fruit of the spirit...

The Bible says these things should be the product of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.  It's like Paul is saying - Let go of the bad stuff and do this stuff instead.  

I have an opinion about the fruit of the spirit. 

 I’m not sure about you, but for me some of them need to be exercised a little more.  Please don't misunderstand me, the Bible is correct.  The Holy Spirit has put these things inside of me in a way that they never were before I had a relationship with Christ, but I think we have some responsibility here, too.

When I was younger I thought they were some sort of magical spell that would just “poof” and then it would happen. Think:  Disney movie.  Imagine being suddenly patient at the right time.  Or never tempted because my self control is rock-steady.  
Wouldn't that be nice?  I had a lot to learn.

The reality for me is that they are more like CLEANING SUPPLIES. 

​I can go to the store and come home with 3 or 4 bottles of things every week that clean better, sanitize, scrub, freshen, and polish everything.  I love buying cleaning supplies, don't you?  I have shelves full of them and they should be handy to have around.  

But guess what?  On Saturday afternoon when I should be using them, its easier to find something else to do. And then one day I walk into a room and see my mess and I think “oh yeah…”  The truth is that I never took the product off the shelf and gave it a chance to do what it was designed to do.  The magic in that eraser requires some elbow grease.
In the same way the Holy Spirit has given us this “stuff” in that list.  But if we leave it sitting on the shelf, it’s not going to just show up!  Let's keep reading.  The next verses, v25, says “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”  The previous verses were there to remind us of what is on the shelf.   The next ones are saying we are responsible for using what we've been given.
​Personally, I need daily reminders to practice these things.  As I remember to pull those items off the shelf more often, I will remember how to use them in the opportunities that I need them in. 

So here's the challenge:  Pick one.  Choose love today.  Practice it and sprinkle it on everything.  When you are ready, add another.  

One final thought:  Be careful asking specifically for these things in prayer.  Asking for patience will most certainly give you opportunities to be patient, and that might not be what you were expecting!  I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that words have meaning.   Instead, I often pray for the Holy Spirit to remind me of what tool I have that I can use for the place I am at right now.  

Which fruit do you have the hardest time remembering to pull out?
<![CDATA[Gifts: Like Borrowed Sweaters]]>Fri, 15 Oct 2021 20:29:59 GMThttp://immomsfavorite.com/about/gifts-like-borrowed-sweaters
Psalm 127:3
When I told my oldest brother that I was going to have a baby.  He said, very seriously, ``You don’t like babies”.  

He was right. 
I didn’t like to babysit (his kids) when I was in high school.  I just wasn’t that person.  Honestly, I didn’t know much about babies.  Chad and I had been married for a little over a year and here we were.  I guess it seemed like the next logical step, and we were naïve - but excited.  

​We were ready to tell our Sunday School class the next week when another friend shared at the same time that they were also expecting. 

A third friend stopped us before we left that day, “Hey, I teach a little class called 'Preparation for Parenting'.  It can help you get your baby to sleep through the night by 8 weeks old!”  

THAT was the moment when I realized that I had no idea what I was getting into.  Babies don’t sleep all night?  What was she talking about?  I had so much to learn.  We took the classes.  I’ll always be grateful for the classes.
Over the next several months we would learn so much about babies.  Feeding schedules, routines, and training hearts to love and to follow Jesus were our priorities.  There was some sound advice thrown in and it was all wrapped in scripture.  When Bridget arrived we would be ready!  

Too Busy...

I think God was showing His sense of humor on March 31, 1999. Chad started out his day telling me he would be ‘too busy’ to come to my Dr.'s appointment with me.  He worked in a family business and it was the busy season.  I was 'too busy' to have a baby that day, too.  She wasn’t due for another 2 weeks, so I thought it was fine, but I didn’t feel well that morning.   

It was payroll day.  I am also a part of a different small family business and 30 families were counting on me to get paychecks ready before the end of the day.  By midmorning I had started a funny column of numbers on a piece of scratch paper on my desk.  9:45. 10:05, 10:22, 10:49…. My appointment was at 2:00.  
I decided I should probably get the payroll done before I left for the appointment, because these contractions were getting closer.  I called Chad at noon and told him he had to come with me.  I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I thought maybe I was having a baby.  At 1:45 when we walked into the Dr.'s office, they instructed us to go straight to the hospital.  

It was actually the next morning at 1AM before she made her grand entrance via emergency C section.  April fools day was registered as a real holiday forever in my heart.  I’m glad I got the payroll done, because the person that I was when I left the hospital a few days later was very different from the person I was when I had left work that day.  Everything changed in an instant.  I was a mom. 
"April Fools Day was registered as a real holiday forever in my heart."
One of the strangest emotions I can remember happened that next day, after Bridget was born.  We were still at the hospital and my in-laws arrived to celebrate with us the birth of their first grandchild.  We were all so happy!  I recall very clearly my mother-in-law coming into the room and saying “Wow, look what you made!” 
She used that phrase several times over the years, every time our kids were born.  It’s not “wrong” to say that, I guess.  I suppose science would say that babies are grown by their mothers' bodies.  I’ve heard it a million times since then from a variety of different people, but every time I hear it I feel like it just doesn’t fit.  When I look at my daughter, I simply see a miracle.  

It’s like this: I know how to “make” a cake, I can “make” plans, but I had no idea how this gift was made.  The Bible says “Children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalms 127:3).  There is a big difference between a gift that is given to you and something that you make.  I don’t always deserve the gifts that I’m given, especially a perfect gift that God gives.  
Of course, I don’t recall ever correcting my MIL, and I wouldn’t.  I do have so many questions for heaven though, and some of them are really hard.  Maybe you have questions too?  Like:  Are these babies somehow formed from who I am?  If so, I would love to take that credit for the great stuff, but then, what about the miscarriages that came along the way?  Did I somehow “fail” to make them?  Did I do something right that made my daughters smarter than me?  Did I do something wrong that made them socially awkward sometimes?
When I read my Bible I see clearly, children are a gift.  From the beginning of the book to the end children are mentioned over and over and we are instructed to handle them carefully.  Of course, they were God’s first.  Entrusted in our care.  And we are to raise them to love Him. They weren’t ever entirely ours, because they belong to Him the whole time. 

Read that again. They aren’t mine.  Like the borrowed sweater that you don’t want to stretch out or ruin because you’re going to have to give it back someday.  A really expensive, irreplaceable, priceless, borrowed sweater.  God entrusted me, and you, with these tiny humans so that we could teach them about Him.  And hopefully someday they will tell others about Him, too.   He did give us some instructions:
No pressure, but this parent-thing comes with a lot of responsibility! 

​Open up your Bible with me today and consider these additional verses:  
A gift with a purpose, that God knew I would love.  That is the best kind of gift. 

Please, pray with me:  “Thank you, Lord, for the treasures that you have given me.  I pray that I will honor You every moment as I get to be their parent.  Show me how to do this the way You want me to.” 

Spend some time today being thankful today for God’s gifts.

​Speak Life, friends.
<![CDATA[I'm Mom's Favorite]]>Fri, 15 Oct 2021 05:07:30 GMThttp://immomsfavorite.com/about/im-moms-favorite
Welcome to the “I’m Mom’s Favorite” first blog post!  (Click here for more Blog posts)

You probably want an explanation… ​

Who exactly is mom’s favorite?  

​Here's the story:  It was 2016 when I went to the doctor with a headache.  I thank God for a doctor who knew me well enough to know that it needed to be investigated deeper.  After an MRI and a few sleepless nights my husband and I ended up in front of a Neurosurgeon at the University of Iowa Hospital.  He said the words: “Brain Surgery.”  I don’t recall much of the rest of the conversation, but very quickly we were preparing for the unknown.
He said the words:  "Brain Surgery."
I have 3 children.  At this point they were 16, 14, and 12. Which means they had a lot of growing up left to do.  We hadn’t even started dating, cars, graduation, college, marriages, or grandchildren…. to say the least, the words that the doctor had said were terrifying.  And if I was that scared, I could only imagine how afraid they would be.  My parenting instincts kicked in and it was time to be intentional.

So, I went to Amazon to get them each a t-shirt.

...That probably wasn't the "Jesus moment" you were just looking for. 
​Please, keep reading.

Yes, I did take this to God immediately.  And then I bought the shirts!  I was going through something, but so were they.  In my heart, I already knew what I want to share with you here, but I needed to make sure that they did.
They were excited to open their gifts, and we had a good laugh. I had given them each a shirt that said “I’m Mom’s favorite” and I explained to them that all of the shirts were true.  Then we talked about surgery. 

I hope that any parents reading this understand when I say that every one of my kids is my favorite at any given moment.  Whatever my kid is saying to me, is the most important thing I’m hearing.  Had a bad day?  I want to know.  Had a good day?  I want to be in on that, too.  And I wanted them to know that even though I had a struggle going on, their struggles, and highs, and lows, were still important  to me.  In hindsight, my worries and concerns about brain surgery had a lot to do with what my family would do without me, and how much I didn’t want to miss their futures.
Often in the Bible I see where God's love for me is illustrated as similar to a parent's love for their children.  God's love is relatable that way.  With that in mind, consider Psalms 31:7.   This verse reminded me that Jesus knew everything that was going on inside of me right then.  From the perspective of a parent's love, I also understood what it meant to see my children hurting and I was grateful for His perfect love.

I believe that He hurts with us when we go through hard times.  I wonder, if Adam and Eve hadn't taken that fruit in the garden, would children have to loose parents to blood clots in their brains? In the Bible it says that "Jesus Wept" in John 11:35, and on that day, laying face down in my bedroom - as His favorite child - Jesus Wept with me as I  prayed.​​

Going in for surgery was a mixed bag of emotions.  On one hand, I always try to be positive and happy.  We were joking around and laughing in the pre-op room.  On the other hand, I wanted to leave nothing important unsaid.  The prayers were sincere.  The I love you’s were genuine.  The hugs were a little longer, just in case. My mom was there, I was her favorite right then.  My Jesus was there too, and I believe I was His favorite right then as well. 
"My Jesus was there too, and I believe I was His favorite right then as well." ​
That’s what I want you to know.  Don’t miss it - regardless of what you are going through right now; You are His favorite, too.  And it’s ok, you can trust Him with that.  I know that is hard, but the hard things that I have gone through have helped me understand just how loved I am as His child.  

Back in that garden God gave humanity "free will."  If I'm being honest, Adam and Eve represented me pretty accurately when they wanted to taste the one thing that God said he didn't want them to have.   God had made humanity to love and honor Him, but in one bite sin would enter the world.
The Old Testament gives us story after story of wonderful people who had to offer sacrifices to God to receive forgiveness for their sins.  That's a lot of innocent lambs, and a lot of guilty humans.  But then... Jesus. 

Jesus was sent by God to be the final sacrifice.  No more lambs.  Jesus walked with us and he lived with us.  He experienced life with us.  God with us.  In John 11 Jesus' friend dies.  He is broken with grief in the same way that we as humans get broken with grief.  Jesus understands.  Then he demonstrates his power.  He brings that friend back to life.

I could easily get stuck at that point in the story.  It's not fair.  I have a few people I would have liked him to bring back, but he didn't.  I wonder if Lazarus was upset with Jesus for bringing him back?  Lets assume he had made it to heaven, would he be disappointed to return?  After some thought, I think Jesus might have apologized to Lazarus and explained - 'You know, I was just showing off so they would know what I could do.'  Maybe?

​Later in the same book - John chapters 19 and 20 - Jesus would conquer death for good.  For all of us.  You should look that part up in your Bible.
That doesn’t mean that every hard thing works out with a pretty pink bow on top, just like it was planned.  In fact, if you don’t know me already, you will eventually find out that brain surgery is the small stuff for me.  I've faced the unimaginable, but you know what is constant?  I’m still His favorite.  He died on a cross for me.  And he died on that cross for you too.
If you are in that moment of struggle, be confident in knowing that He loves you perfectly.  You, my friend, are His favorite.  And if you are just now understanding that, take a moment and have a conversation with Him.  Let him know what you have learned here and ask him to come into your life today and walk beside you wherever you are at.  Shoot me an email and let me know too - I would be honored to pray for you and encourage you.

PS.  Surgery went well for me and recovery was remarkably fast.  I was motivated by my household to get back to life as quickly as possible. My favorite 12 year old had the lead in the spring musical, so I had to be there!  And I was.
SO WHAT IS THIS BLOG ABOUT?  I’m glad you asked. I believe in parenting intentionally.  Thankfully, I was introduced to some amazing concepts when my babies came that are absolutely not my own ideas, but my husband and I were able to implement them. 

If you are a reader, there is a book called “Baby Wise” that explains a lot of the principles that we applied to our family.  The classes we took were called "Prep for parenting" and "Growing kids God's Way" (I don't care for that title)  I'm not going to sit here and tell you that this is the "right" way or the "only" way. 

​My intention with this blog is to explain how we have executed the principles that were the most important to us and some of them came from that book.  Some of our parenting ideas are also very Montessori, or are based on how we were raised (and a little of the opposite of how we were raised).  There is a Biblical structure to all of our intentions. 

Keep in mind that the “why” is always as important as the “how”.
Fast forward to today.  My kids are still all my favorite.  We’ve been through some really great highs.  We’ve been through enormous lows.  Frank Sinatra says “That’s Life”. 

I kind of hate Frank, but it’s true. 

My wish for you is not that life will only be “highs”, although I’ll be genuinely happy for you if it is.  Instead I pray that you will be able to navigate the “lows” with God’s grace, and that you will always remember that you are His favorite.

Speak life, friends.